The Winterlights festival takes place from 24 November 2023 to 7 January 2024, transforming the city into a winter wonderland.
It includes Christmas markets all across the city (Place d'Armes, Place Guillaume II, Place de la Constitution, Place de Paris), as well as live concerts, exhibitions, performances and workshops for children.
Christmas decorations, craft products, toys, clothes, jewellery, confectionery, food and drink, rides (Ferris wheel, miniature train), concerts, workshops, and shows for children... there is something for everyone, from the traditional to the more unconventional.
Venue: Luxembourg city
Organiser: Ville de Luxembourg
Price: n/a
Reservations: n/a
URL: For details, see https://www.vdl.lu/en/visiting/leisure-and-recreation/festivals-fairs-and-events/winterlights-0