Gujarati Samaj Luxembourg asbl (GSL) is organising its Navratri Mahotsav event at the Centre Polyvalente in Aspelt (Frisange) on Saturday 21 October 2023 at 16:00.
Navratri is a Hindu festival observed in the honour of Goddess Amba, where devotees offer prayers, observe a fast and celebrate by playing Garba Raas, a traditional form of folk dance, from the Indian state of Gujarat. Navratri, meaning "nine nights", is one of the most popular and widely celebrated festivals across India, noted the organiser.
After a successful event in 2022, this year's Navratri Mahotsav event is also sold out.
Venue: Centre Polyvalente in Aspelt (Rue de l'Ecole, L-5716 Frisange)
Organiser: Gujarati Samaj Luxembourg asbl
Price: n/a
Reservations: n/a