
The City of Luxembourg (Ville de Luxembourg - VdL) and the Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO) are organising multimodal guided tours centred around the theme "Save Energy" on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September 2023.

This themed guided tour forms part of this year's European Mobility Week, which is taking place from 16 to 22 September 2023 and centres around the same theme. This international campaign aims to encourage European citizens, businesses and local authorities to take initiatives aimed at reducing pollution linked to means of transport.

On this occasion, the VdL and the LCTO are organising guided tours which allow participants to discover the mobility infrastructures in the city centre. An English-language tour is scheduled on Sunday 17 September 2023 at 14:00 (English).

Participants will follow their guide from Place d'Armes to Place de la Constitution on foot before taking a bus to Luxembourg Railway Station, where they will board a train and get off at the new Pfaffenthal station. They can then discover Place de l'Europe in Luxembourg-Kirchberg after a funicular ride and return to the city centre via tram.

The guided tours, which last 2.5 hours, will depart from Place d'Armes, in front of Cercle Cité. A maximum of fifteen participants can join at a time. Participation is free but registration is compulsory either online at or directly at the LCTO tourist information office.

Venue: Luxembourg City

Organiser: VdL; LCTO

Price: Free

Reservations: See above/website

URL: For details, see