CAPEL, the creative learning centre of the City of Luxembourg (Ville de Luxembourg - VdL), is organising its traditional "Kanner in the City" (children in the city) games festival in the capital on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 July 2022.
This year's festival revolves around the theme "Spillfabrik" (game factory) with games dedicated to water, movement and dance and crafts. Children aged four to twelve and their parents will be able to take part in games and workshops offered by the animators of the "Aktioun Bambësch" and by professional "Spielmobile" (vehicles equipped with various games) from different European countries.
Activities will take place from 14:30 to 17:30 on Friday 29 July 2022 in Kinnekswiss park, Place d'Armes, Square Jan Palach, Place du Puits-Rouge and on Rue des Capucins (playground).
The festival, which forms part of the "Summer an der Stad" (summer in the city) programme, will continue on Saturday 30 July 2022 from 13:30 to 18:30 in Kinnekswiss park, Place d'Armes and Square Jan Palach.
Entry is free.
Venue: Across Luxembourg City (see above)
Organiser: VdL - CAPEL
Price: Free
Reservations: n/a