
The Choir of the University of Luxembourg will perform some of the important work's of female composers of the Renaissance period on Friday 10 June and Saturday 11 June 2022.

Female composers made significant contributions to the music of the Renaissance period but too often this has been overlooked.

The concerts will feature excerpts from the first published opera by a woman, early madrigals and vocal works by a woman who was the most prolific composer during her lifetime.

The sound will be completed by Francis Lucas on harpsichord and Alexandra Protopapadakis on viola da gamba.

"The relationships between human emotions and the natural world are described in most of the pieces; themes that resonate to this day," said conductor Thomas Gareau.

"The programme reveals the considerable evolution of musical language from the Renaissance into the Baroque through the works of a number of important female composers". He added "The music in this concert is as important historically as it is moving aurally".

These hour-long concerts will be held at:

  • 20:00 on Friday 10 June 2022 at Hesperange Church (367-195, N3, L-5816, Hesperange)
  • 20:00 on Saturday 11 June 2022 at the Protestant Church (5 Rue de la Congrégation, L-1352 Luxembourg)

These are charity fundraising concerts for the local women's charity Femmes en détresse. For further information, contact the University Choir.

Venue: Hesperange Church (367-195, N3, L-5816, Hesperange)

Organiser: Choir of the University of Luxembourg

Price: see above

Reservations: see above