Luxembourg trade unions, the LCGB and the OGBL, have announced the potential loss of 44 jobs following the European Investment Bank's (EIB) decision to close its Crèche Attitude L'Abeille.

On Thursday 16 January 2020, concerned parents and employee representatives informed the LCGB and the OGBL that the Crèche Attitude L'Abeille will cease to operate in Luxembourg, although no exact date was specified. 

Crèche Attitude L'Abeille, located on the premises of the EIB in Luxembourg-Kirchberg, currently employs 44 people and has been taking care of the children of staff since 1995. The creche is set to now close its doors following a unilateral decision by the EIB to stop offering this type of service to its staff.

In response, the LCGB and the OGBL have denounced the absence of social dialogue and the lack of communication on the part of the EIB and the service provider in this case. According to the trade unions, this behaviour shows indifference towards the employees of the creche as well as towards parents. They also maintained that the absence of a protective legal framework puts the livelihoods of the creche's 44 employees in jeopardy. 

The trade unions have demanded justification for the cessation of the activity of the creche and, if necessary, a viable solution for keeping the employees concerned in employment.