Credit: MENEJ

Luxembourg's Ministry of Education, Children and Youth has announced that registrations for Diplom+ will open on Monday 2 September 2024.

From 2 September to 1 October 2024, holders of a secondary school leaving diploma from the 2023/2024 school year who do not yet have higher education plans or employment prospects can enrol in the Diplom+ training course.

Launched in 2020, this three-term course allows participants who have obtained a classic or general secondary school leaving diploma, a technician's diploma (DT) or another recognised equivalent leaving certificate during the year to acquire additional skills while waiting to begin higher education or enter the world of work.

The course, lasting on average 25 hours per week, is organised on a modular basis. Common modules in the first term include career guidance, job preparation, time and stress management, first aid and communication. In the second term, participants can choose between three "packs" of modules: crafts, IT design and IT. The third term is devoted to a practical project in the form of a work placement within a company or organisation.

The Diplom+ training course is offered in Differdange, Esch-sur-Alzette and Warken.

Interested parties have until 1 October 2024 to register via the online registration form. Further information is available at