(L-R) Vincent Hieff, Executive Officer of CNFPC; Claude Meisch, Luxembourg's Minister for Education, Children and Youth; Tom Muller, Director of SFP (Ministry of Education); Credit: John Chalmers / Chronicle.lu

On Monday 22 July 2024, at the Edupôle Clausen, Claude Meisch, Luxembourg's Minister for Education, Children and Youth, and Vincent Hieff, Executive Officer of the National Centre for Continuous Professional Training (CNFPC), announced “Skillsbridges – a New Format for Continuous Professional Training” that envisages providing training that addresses specific skill shortages in the Luxembourgish labour market.

Not to be confused with ADEM’s 2018 initiative “Luxembourg Digital Skills Bridge”, this completely new initiative has been launched with financial support from the EU and will debut in September 2024 with three training courses, one each in “Artificial Intelligence for Administrative Services”, “Green Space Maintenance Agent” and “Low Carbon Construction using Organically Sourced Building Materials”.

According to Minster Meisch, the range of training offers will increase progressively to around 20 in the medium term, and will cover areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Construction, Digitalistion, Green Transition, HORECA and Soft Skills. Minister Meisch went on to add that from school year 2025/2026 up to 800 people are expected to be able to benefit from the scheme.

The initial courses require between 152 and 184 hours of class work, either “blended learning” (hybrid) or purely in-person, depending on the nature of the course, and, upon successful completion will result in a training certificate and any course specific additional certification.

Further information on Skillsbridges can be found on the CNFPC website.