(L-R) Georges Engel, Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy; Claude Meisch, Minister of Education, Children and Youth and Minister of Higher Education and Research; Credit: © SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

On Tuesday 27 September 2022, Luxembourg's vocational guidance centre, the "Maison de l'Orientation", was officially inaugurated by the Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, and the Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy, Georges Engel.

The new centre was relocated from Place de l'Étoile to the building of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth in Rue Aldringen in 2021.

Due to the redevelopment of spaces, the services of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social and solidarity economy, and the new centre which deals with information, assistance and reception of the general public are optimally grouped under one roof.

The offer of educational and professional prospects is increasingly varied and it is part of our mission to support young people and adults in their careers. With the new one-stop shop at the Maison de l'orientation, we are investing in good guidance for young people and adults,” said Minister Meisch.

Minister Engel noted: "It is important to inform young people in a targeted manner so that they can orient themselves towards the profession that suits them. The figures available to us show that many professions lack qualified personnel. This is why it is important to attract young and old looking for training to these craft trades".

Five thematic windows for targeted guidance

At the guidance centre, anyone interested can get advice without an appointment at one of the five thematic counters:

  • School pathways: Different school offers in high schools, choice of section, promotion, reintegration into high schools, information on secondary education in general.
  • Graduate studies: Studies in Luxembourg and abroad, access conditions, admission procedures, recognition of diplomas, higher education, etc.
  • Adult training: Training of general interest, accreditation of prior learning and experience (Validation des acquis de l'expérience - VAE), resumption of studies, linguistic integration, second way of training.
  • Youth info: Volunteering, au pair, internships, summer jobs, accommodation, extra-curricular activities, administrative procedures, registrations.
  • The world of training and jobs: Crafts, professions, first professional experiences, apprenticeship.

In the five counters, the visitor will find information, advice or specialist advice on educational or vocational guidance. A meeting with one or more professionals from this space allows the visitor to then be redirected to one of the specialised services of the guidance centre to complete the orientation.

In addition to the orientation space and its thematic counters, other services of the guidance centre can be requested by appointment: Psychosocial and Scholastic Assistance Centre (Centre psycho-social et d'accompagnement scolaires - CePAS); Department for the Schooling of Foreign Children (Service de la Scolarisation des Enfants Etrangers - SECAM); National Employment Agency (Agence pour le développement de l'emploi - ADEM) – Center Region; Local youth branch Luxembourg of the National Youth Service (Service national de la jeunesse - SNJ) ; Agency for the Transition to Independent Living (Agence pour la transition vers une vie autonome - ATVA); guidance unit of the adult training service (Service de la formation des adultes - SFA); Accreditation of prior learning and experience (VAE) and Service for the recognition of diplomas (Service de la reconnaissance des diplômes - SRD).

In addition, the visitor has access to the professional information centre (BiZ), where he has the possibility of being supported in his search for a suitable profession through professional interest tests. The offer is completed by a multimedia space, several libraries, a test library and training rooms.

The virtual counter of the guidance centre

As a virtual counter for the guidance centre, the website www.maison-orientation.public.lu offers access to detailed information on studies, the world of work, reorientation, upskilling and reskilling. It includes both public players and national private players in guidance.