The University of Luxembourg has announced that it will offer a new programme in Luxembourgish Language Science and Literature within the Bachelor in European Cultures, starting September 2022.
The Bachelor in European Cultures - Luxembourgish Language Science and Literature (BCE-LUX) trains students in the fundamental areas of Luxembourgish philology. The programme offers a variety of courses dealing with the structures of language (spelling, grammar, syntax, morphology), its history and linguistic policies, as well as the history of plurilingual literature, its aesthetic processes and devices of mediation. The learning process is reinforced by the involvement of students in reflections on theoretical, didactic and methodological approaches.
In order to facilitate the orientation of students in their subsequent professional choices, the programme provides for two three-week internships, either in education or at a cultural institution in Luxembourg.
The programme in Luxembourgish Language Science and Literature is an integral part of the Bachelor in European Cultures (BCE). The BCE combines a common curriculum in European Cultures (one-third of the programme) with a specialised curriculum (two-thirds of the programme) in either English, French or German Studies, History or Philosophy. The new course is therefore the sixth specialisation offered by the BCE. In combination with the common curriculum, the new course leads to a bachelor's qualification with a complete specialisation ("major") in Luxembourgish language science and literature.
The BCE is a quadrilingual programme (German, English, French and Luxembourgish) that actively encourages plurilingualism and code-switching between languages. As an interdisciplinary course focusing on European cultures, the BCE invites students to combine their different disciplines and languages. A mandatory mobility semester abroad also gives students the opportunity to perfect their knowledge of European cultures.
The demand for qualified and certified Luxembourgish teachers is constantly increasing from private language schools, associations and private companies. The programme is designed to meet these needs through in-depth teaching in the Luxembourgish language as well as by providing the didactic skills and knowledge necessary for its teaching.
The BCE-LUX gives access to master's programme-type training at the University of Luxembourg. It also grants access to the Masters in Secondary Education - Pathway language and Luxembourgish literature, offered at the University of Luxembourg. This Master qualifies students for teaching within the Luxembourgish school system.
Admission into this programme, led by Prof. Jeanne E. Glesener, requires a very good knowledge of Luxembourgish (C1 level) and a good knowledge of German, English, and French (B2).
Registration for the new course will take place between 1 April and 1 June 2022.
Further information is available at: bce.luxemburgistik.uni.lu.