Luxembourg's Ministry of Higher Education and Research has announced that the governments of the Grand Duchy and the French Community of Belgium ecently signed an ageement related to medical education at university.
On 4 January 2022, Luxembourg's Minister of Higher Education and Research, Claude Meisch, and Pierre-Yves Jeholet, Minister-President of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, and Valérie Glatigny, Minister for Higher Education, Research and Youth of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, signed a special agreement guaranteeing access for eight graduates of the Bachelor of Medicine at the University of Luxembourg to the second cycle of medical studies in one of the universities of the French Community of Belgium.
The new agreement maintains the provisions of a previous special agreement relating to university cooperation in medical training, signed in Brussels on 17 July 2017. It maintains the possibility for a maximum of fifteen students from the University of Luxembourg (possessing a secondary school leaving certificate awarded by a secondary school in Luxembourg and having successfully completed the first year of medicine at the University of Luxembourg) to enter the second year of studies in medical sciences at a university in the French Community of Belgium.
Similarly, the hospital institutions of Luxembourg will continue to welcome in their structures first and second cycle medical students and those in the process of specialisation coming from the universities of the French Community of Belgium.
Added to the new agreement is the possibility for a maximum of eight students from the University of Luxembourg (with a secondary school leaving certificate awarded by a secondary school in Luxembourg and having passed the Bachelor of Medicine at the University of Luxembourg) to continue their studies in a second cycle programme in medical sciences at a university in the French Community of Belgium. This possibility will be offered from the academic year 2023/24, given that the first students will obtain their bachelor's degree in medicine from the University of Luxembourg at the end of the academic year 2022/23. In return, efforts will be made to encourage more hospitals in the Grand Duchy to welcome trainees from the French Community of Belgium.
The agreement will enter fully into force after its ratification by the Parliament of the French Community of Belgium.