Following this morning's press conference with Tourism Minister Lex Delles, Luxembourg has unveiled further details of its inbound tourism campaign.

As mentioned earlier, the initial focus will be on attracting tourists from neighbouring countries, as well as encouraging Luxembourg residents and cross-border workers to (re)discover the country.

According to the Ministry of Tourism, the structure of Luxembourg's tourist clientele as it existed before the crisis shows that the tourism sector does not need to reorient itself completely, since it does not depend on distant markets or on an existing public transport offer, like for example the plane. Indeed, a STATEC survey revealed that 88% of all arrivals are tourists from Europe, with only 7% of tourists arriving in Luxembourg by plane. The local market also has strong development potential: in Germany alone, according to a 2019 study, almost 14 million people could imagine spending their holidays in Luxembourg.

The results of a study carried out by Luxembourg for Tourism (LFT) and TNS-Ilres has shown that residents also have a positive image of the country and its tourist offer. The work of the coming months will consist in building on existing networks, identifying synergies, pooling resources, sharing information, exchanging ideas to develop shared ambitions and responses to the challenges of the future. 

The "Lëtzebuerg - Dat ass Vakanz!" campaign thus aims to present Luxembourg as a top tourist destination. The idea will be to unite residents and regular visitors around the idea that their country is an authentic destination for meetings and discoveries. Beyond the incentive of €50 accommodation vouchers and a traditional communication campaign (advertising, social media, etc.), the new campaign will also include competitions, challenges and quizzes, among other activities. Similarly, the Guide for One Day project will change format slightly and regional tourist offices will offer packages and activities in collaboration with actors in the field. In particular, a digital version of the Guide for One Day is being developed. 

A webinar with the sector is planned for July, followed by thematic and collaborative discussion forums. Indeed, the campaign is still evolving and will be rolled out continuously throughout the second half of 2020.

Although the initial focus has been shifted to local business and that of the Greater Region, these promotional efforts will be gradually increased in Europe and abroad according to the evolution of the situation.