The University of Luxembourg is seeking participants in a study on the relationship between body image and sexual functioning.

Many women feel under societal pressure to have an ideal and sexually attractive body. Negative attitudes toward one’s body may lead to feelings of shame and embarrassment when it is exposed during sexual activities. As a consequence, many women avoid sexual contacts and become dissatisfied with their sex life. The University of Luxembourg is carrying out a study to analyse the effects of body dissatisfaction on experiencing sexual arousal.

The purpose of the current study is to investigate how women perceive and value body- and sexually-relevant stimuli. The expected results will help to better understand the role of body image and sexual functioning in the development and/or maintenance of body dissatisfaction and sexual dysfunction, as well as their potential interaction.

Participation includes two appointments:

1. a detailed diagnostic interview will be conducted and a photo of the full body (without the head) will be taken in standardised underwear
2. participants will be asked to look at photos of themselves and of other women’s bodies, at pictures with erotic content and to watch an erotic video clip

There is foreseen a reimbursement of €50 for participation.

Profile needed:
- heterosexual women between 18 – 40 years old
- with or without concerns about body image and sexual functioning
- fluent knowledge of at least one of the following languages: French, German or English

Those who would like to take part are asked to complete the screening questionnaires at or directly contact Agnieszka Czeluscinska-Peczkowska by e-mail: or by tel: 466644-9365.