Credit: ALAD

The Luxembourg Anti-Doping Agency (Agence Luxembourgeoise Antidopage - ALAD) has just taken stock of its doping controls for the year 2022.

During the past year, ALAD control officers carried out 203 urinary tests in Luxembourg and, at the former’s request, 27 tests were also carried out abroad on athletes from the Luxembourg target group.

Of these 230 urine tests, 125 took place during competitions, 78 of which were at the request of the federations.

105 unannounced checks took place out of competition on Luxembourg elite athletes, including the 27 checks carried out abroad.

Among these controls, 67 included both urine and blood samples. A total of eighteen checks were carried out on five athletes as part of the haematological passport.

In addition to the 230 checks carried out, eleven checks ended in a “no-show”. In addition, three “filing failures” were recorded, i.e. the athlete failed in his/her obligation to provide his/her whereabouts data in the Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS). Note that an athlete is only sanctioned if he/she has a total of three “no-shows” or “filing failures” within twelve months, which was not the case in 2022.

For 54 of the tests in competition, the management of the results fell to the international federation since the competition appeared on their sports calendar.

All 230 analyses were negative and, therefore, no athlete licensed in Luxembourg tested positive.

ALAD continued its partnership with Sportlycée in 2022. The anti-doping curriculum put in place covers each school year with specific content. The agency also took part with a stand at the open house and parents' evening at the school.

ALAD's new tent was used at the COSL Spillfest and the Bike Festival where education and prevention work was carried out.

Moreover, ALAD held presentations about the fight against doping at the invitation of various sports federations in Luxembourg.

In partnership with ALAD, the national school of physical education and sports, ENEPS, held “doping-free sport” training courses for coaches of different levels.

On 25 March 2022, the Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Committee (COSL) made it mandatory for all athletes who are members of the elite and promotion executives of the COSL to take online training courses on ADEL, the global anti-doping education and learning platform.

In 2022, ALAD was also able to obtain its ISO 9001: 2015 certification for the following areas: planning and carrying out controls, results management, prevention measures and education.