The Hungarian stand at the “International Bazaar of Luxembourg” has organised a fund-raising movie night on 25 April 2017 in the Robert Krieps hall at the Abbey of Neumünster, starting at 19:00.
The event features the screening of the Hungarian comedy “Mom and Other Loonies in the Family”, the story of an odd family throughout the 20th century.
The film focuses on the family’s mother, who is 92 years old and moved 27 times in her life, chased on by history. Moving was her only means of dealing with trouble, danger or conflicts. At the demented age of 92, “mum” tells the story of these events to her daughter, nearly 100 years of often mischievous and heart-warming but also sometimes painful episodes.
The film will be shown in its original version with English subtitles.
The entrance fee is €9.50, with all contributions going to the charities of the “International Bazaar of Luxembourg”.
The screening will be followed by snacks, drinks and a discussion.
Tickets can be purchased in advance via e-mail: billetterie@neimenster.lu or via tel.: 262 052 444.