As of 3 July 2018, the Centre against Radicalisation has been in existence for one year in the Grand Duchy.
On the initiative of the Council of Government of 29 July 2016,, "a service of listening and accompanying people who are confronted, in any way, with extremism and violent radicalisation", was born., the Centre against Radicalisation has thus been operational in Luxembourg since 3 July 2017.
During this first year, 20 people contacted the service, including 18 telephone contacts and two email contacts and organised 27 training sessions and awareness-raising activities that reached 650 people. Moreover, the centre's collaborators met with 40 national organisations in the psycho-socio-educational and police and justice fields in addition to meeting five international institutions.
The centre was also present at several events, including the return of the national youth service, the Jugendkonvent, the festival of migration, culture and citisenship, the "Dag vun der politescher Bildung" and the SNJ's "Jugendaarbechter Symposium" day. has also stated its finding that the subject of radicalisation involves people of different generations and diverse cultural backgrounds and that during its interventions, the centre was confronted with interesting questions and real concerns. supports anyone who is committed to an open society and through this aims to contribute to the prevention of radicalisation.