The new edition of the "Passions et lamentations" festival will showcase the works of Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber on 19 and 20 April 2019 in the Eglise Saint-Jean du Grund, on the neimënster site.
Traditionally held at the end of Holy Week, this 2019 edition of the festival will take the audience on a journey to 17th century Europe during the Counter-Reformation, where they will discover the sacred music of Austrian-Czech baroque violinist and composer Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber. Musicians from the cantoLX ensemble and the Ensemble de la Chapelle Saint-Marc will breathe life into these works on this special occasion.
On Friday 19 April, from 20:00, the public will discover works such as the Rosary Sonatas, each of which corresponds to a stage in the life of Christ or the Virgin Mary. This programme dedicated to the 17th century instrumental repertoire will combine a selection of sonatas from the so-called rosary cycle with solo works by Giovanni Battista degli Antonii, Johann Sebastian Bach and Girolamo Frescobaldi.
The next day, an acoustic walk will take listeners on the roads of the neighbouring countries of Luxembourg, during the Baroque period, to discover the great composers of the religious repertoire. On this occasion, the cantoLX ensemble and the Ensemble de la Chapelle Saint-Marc will be accompanied by the sublime Baroque voices of Isabelle Poulenard and Armelle Marq.
Tickets cost €25, €9 (reduced) or €1.50 with a Kulturpass. A pass for the two concerts on 19 and 20 April costs €35. Tickets can be purchased via tel.: 262-052444. For further information, email: billetterie@neimenster.lu.