Luxembourg's Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth has announced that a new Digital Sciences subject will be taught in secondary schools in the Luxembourg school curriculum from the 2021-22 academic year.
On Tuesday 18 May 2021, from 14:30 to 16:00, a webinar is being organised by the Department for the Coordination of Educational and Technological Research and Innovation (SCRIPT) of the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth; it will present the whys and hows of the new Digital Sciences course which will be gradually introduced in the lower classes of secondary education from the start of the 2021-2022 school year. The webinar will be held in Luxembourgish.
Already today, digital skills are essential to actively participate in our society and they will be even more so tomorrow. Schools have a duty to prepare our children and young people for it. It is not only a question of developing technical skills, but also of supporting students in the evolution of their digital identity.
This is why, from the start of the 2021-2022 school year, a new "digital science" course will be gradually introduced to the lower classes of classical and general secondary education.
What were the motivations for creating this course, who is involved, how will the new discipline be taught? Experts who helped develop the course will answer these questions. The speakers particiipating in the webinar include: Claire Flammang, teacher at Lycée Aline Mayrisch and coordinator of the “digital sciences” course working group; Deborah Plein, communication manager of BEE SECURE; Jennifer Breithoff, of the Centre for Socio-Emotional Development; and Fabrice Roth, director of the Lycée des Arts et Métiers.
The webinar will be broadcast live on Radio 100.7 and Livestream. All listeners can send their questions to email: fro@webinar.lu or by WhatsApp to 621-440044.
For teachers, participation in the webinar is recognised as continuing education. To register, see https://ssl.education.lu/ifen/descriptionformation?idFormation=273270