Credit: © SIP / Frédéric Sierakowski

Luxembourg’s Ministry of State has announced that the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, travelled to Luxembourg on Friday 7 June 2024 for a working visit, at the invitation of Luxembourg’s Prime Minister, Luc Frieden; on this occasion, he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit and was received in audience by Luxembourg's Grand Duke.

Prime Minister Frieden welcomed Mark Rutte at the Hôtel Saint-Maximin for a bilateral meeting. The discussions focused mainly on relations between Luxembourg and the Netherlands and on major issues in current European politics.

As part of an official ceremony, Prime Minister Frieden presented, on behalf of Luxembourg’s Grand Duke, a high honorary distinction to Prime Minister Mark Rutte for his contribution to strengthening the ties of friendship between the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Following thirteen years as head of the Dutch government, Prime Minister Rutte was decorated with the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit.

On this occasion, Prime Minister Frieden highlighted the close and historic friendly ties between the two countries. He thanked his Dutch counterpart for his important contribution to this special relationship and said: “Throughout his mandate as Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Luxembourg has been able to count on Mark Rutte as a friend and partner reliable, both bilaterally, within the European Union and internationally.

The Netherlands is a long-standing partner for Luxembourg, both in terms of the close bilateral relations which link the two countries, as well as within the Benelux, the European Union and NATO, the Ministry of State added.

Following the interview at the Ministry of State, the head of the Dutch government was received in audience by Luxembourg’s Grand Duke at the Grand Ducal Palace and he had the opportunity to meet the President of the Chamber of Deputies (Luxembourg’s Parliament), Claude Wiseler.

© Maison du Grand-Duc