On Monday 27 June 2022, The Office City hosted an interactive Open Forum, part of an initiative to hold a series of English-language events to "demystify politics".
Clara Moraru, Deputy General Secretary of the Christian Social People's Party (CSV), moderated this event, with CSV President Claude Wiseler addressing the 50 attendees from the international community. Participants asked questions about a great variety of topics, including international education, integration through work, the weight of the Luxembourgish language in education, as well as in politics, Luxembourg’s electoral system, etc. They also shared their views and talked about their own specific challenges.
For example, one participant shared her worries about the CNS situation of Ukrainians and their inability to pay invoices upfront and then wait for reimbursement. In addition, she raised the issue of their temporary status which gives them permission to work; however, it does not allow them to open a bank account or to rent an apartment because of their lack of residence (outside temporary accommodation).
Another participant commented on the challenges encountered by students from the University of Luxembourg to find accommodation and internships, and also enquired whether or not their student status allows them to eventually vote in the local elections. And another participant asked more details about Luxembourg’s electoral system and about the possibility to register online on the electoral lists.
The event was also an opportunity for Sandra Nandha, a German resident from Niederanven and CSV political candidate in the upcoming local elections, to introduce herself to the audience and to encourage other non- or new Luxembourgers to become involved in politics.
In answer to a searching question from one participant "Why should I care to vote in Luxembourg?", Claude Wiseler answered that voting is relevant for maintaining any democratic system because, in any democracy, one’s vote is ultimately one's voice. He also stressed the importance of non-Luxembourgers’ participation in the decision-making process which has an impact on the country’s local and international communities living together in harmony and mutual respect.
Clara Moraru confirmed that this event was the 13th such event held in 2022 within the "Let's demystify politics" initiative which she initiated in 2017. This year alone, it has involved two meetings with local mayors Natalie Silva (Larochette) and Marion Zovillé-Braquet (Contern), two Open Fora with CSV President Claude Wiseler, eight visits of Luxembourg’s Parliament (Chambre des Deputés) with MP Claude Wiseler, MP and local counsellor Paul Galles and MP and first alderman of Luxembourg-city Serge Wilmes, and one meeting with European MP Isabel Wiseler.
The formal part of the evening was followed by a new members' welcome cocktail at which twelve new members received a T-shirt with the new visual identity of the party.
For those in the international community interested in getting involved politics, CSV International has around 900 members and organises events in English and French. For further details, see https://csi.csv.lu.