Luxembourg's parliament, known as the Chamber of Deputies, today announced the appointment of Laurent Scheeck as its new general secretary.
During a public session on Tuesday afternoon, deputies appointed Laurent Scheeck as the new head of parliamentary administration. Laurent Scheeck has worked for nine years in the international relations department of the Chamber.
The general secretary is elected for the duration of a legislature, with his / her appointment being renewable. In this role, Laurent Scheeck will oversee the proper functioning and organisation of the work of parliament and its administration. He will take part in the meetings of the Conference of Presidents (organisation of the work of the Chamber such as the agendas of public meetings) and of the Bureau (management of the internal affairs of the Chamber and representation of parliament at the national and international level). He will participate in the meetings of these two bodies, without participating in the votes. One of the general secretary's main missions is to assist the President of the Chamber in his / her functions. In the public service career class, the position of general secretary of the Chamber of Deputies (S1 career) is considered one of the most important.
After seventeen years at the head of the parliament's administration, Claude Frieseisen will retire during the year 2020. The rules of the Chamber provide that during a transitional period (the duration of which is still to be fixed by the Bureau), the Chamber has two general secretaries in office, the function being exercised by the outgoing general secretary.