The Luxembourg-Poland Chamber of Commerce (LPCC) has announced that it is organising, in partnership with the Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (PSIK) and the Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LPEA), the webinar "Luxembourg as a European Hub for Polish VCs" on Thursday 17 June 2021, from 16:00 to 17:30.
Welcoming words
Stephane Pesch, CEO of LPEA
Barbara Nowakowska, Managing Director of PSIK
Artur Sosna, President of LPCC
Anja Grenner, Market Business Development Lead Fund Services at TMF Group
Panel Discussion: Luxembourg as a European Hub for Polish VCs
Moderator: Anja Grenner
Sylwester Janik, General Partner at Cogito Capital Partners
Rafał Celej, Partner at Kondracki Celej Adwokaci sp.p.
Olivier Bertrand, Partner at EY
The Zoom link will be sent to attendees together with their registration confirmation. Register