Luxembourg's Ministry of Culture has launched a call for applications for the creation of seven musical compositions for the 2024/2025 season.

As part of its policy of publicly commissioning musical compositions, the Culture Ministry is searching for new composition projects for seven orchestras or musical ensembles for the next musical season.

The ministry noted that this commissioning system for the writing of original and new musical works constitutes one of the main axes of public policy in favour of supporting contemporary creation and pursues a triple objective: to stimulate the creation of a large number of musical projects and thus contribute to the renewal of repertoires; to support the work of composers; to ensure the diversity of the offer by encouraging musical structures to programme works by contemporary Luxembourg composers.

The programme provides composers with official recognition of their work by the Luxembourg State, while supporting the efforts of creation and distribution structures that present the selected works to the public.

The deadline to apply is 20 October 2024; submissions should be sent via email: Further details are available on the website of the Ministry of Culture.