
The Luxembourg Action Film Festival (Lux Action Hero) has announced it is launching an exceptional music competition open to all Luxembourg bands, regardless of genre.

This competition aims to celebrate the country's musical diversity by offering artists the opportunity to perform on a stage and open the festival with a medley of film music.

The winning band will receive visibility, performing memorable cinema pieces in front of an audience and industry professionals. This experience could be a real springboard for the bands’ careers, the organisers noted.

A jury of professionals will select the bands that will be announced on Thursday 1 August 2024. The bands will participate in live concerts where the public will vote for their favourites. The finalists will then perform at a special evening, and the winner will be chosen by a combined vote of the public and the jury.

Competition Schedule

Registrations are open until Tuesday 30 July 2024. The live concerts will start on 1 January 2025. The finale will take place on 28 May 2025.

Interested bands should fill out the registration form available on the website, including a brief description of their musical style and demos of their performances.

Awards and Recognition

In addition to performing as the opening act of the festival, the winning band will be the soundtrack to the festival festivities, and will benefit from media coverage and meetings with industry professionals.