Credit: MMTP

On Monday 26 August 2024, Luxembourg's Ministry of Mobility and Public Works announced the creation of a new road sign aimed at improving road safety for motorists and cyclists.

The new road sign has been designed to remind drivers of motor vehicles of the obligation to respect a minimum lateral distance of at least 1.5 metres when overtaking a cyclist.

This sign will soon be installed outside built-up areas, along sections of national roads that are used by a route of the national cycle network.

Since May 2018, the Luxembourg Highway Code has provided for a minimum lateral distance that drivers of motor vehicles must respect when overtaking a cyclist, to avoid accidents and improve the safety of all road users. This distance of at least 1.5 metres applies to the entire road network, both within and outside built-up areas. If this distance cannot be respected, drivers are asked to refrain from overtaking, recalled the ministry.

The ministry added that the introduction of this new road sign also responds to a request from ProVelo, an association committed to the safety of cyclists, and other stakeholders.

"This initiative marks a new important step towards safer coexistence between motorists and cyclists on our roads. The new sign aims not only to raise awareness among drivers of the essential rules of the Highway Code, but also to strengthen the protection of cyclists, whose vulnerability is particularly increased on shared roads", emphasised Luxembourg's Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Yuriko Backes.