GoElectric Roadbook; Credit: Upper Sûre Nature Park / Nature Park Our / Nature- & Geopark Mëllerdall

The Upper Sûre Nature Park, Nature Park Our and Nature- & Geopark Mëllerdall (Mullerthal) have drawn up a roadbook, in collaboration with Luxembourg's Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning, to encourage electric vehicle tourism in rural areas.

This bilingual publication (French and English) aims to inform residents and tourists of routes that can be travelled without problem by electric car. The brochure also indicates some charging stations located near the various tourist sites. Visitors can plan other activities at these locations, such as overnight stays, hikes and bike tours as well.

Considering the rapid shift of the automotive market towards electromobility as well as the restriction and limitation of combustion engines from 2035, the three nature parks deemed it important to respond to this development and to the demand for charging possibilities when designing infrastructure as quickly as possible. As such, they have committed themselves to promoting mobility that is more respectful of the environment.

The GoElectric Roadbook is available at the three nature parks involved in this initiative. The brochure can also be downloaded from the website www.naturpark.lu; a free printed copy may be ordered via email: reception@naturpark-our.lu