Credit: BnL

The National Library of Luxembourg (Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg - BnL) has announced the complete reopening of its reading room; access and use of this room had been limited from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

From Tuesday 19 October 2021, visitors to the BnL will:

  • be able to move around freely on the three floors of the reading room;
  • be able to use directly accessible documents, remove them from the shelves themselves and consult or borrow them. Reservation of these documents will no longer be possible; only publications from closed storage areas should be reserved via;
  • no longer need to reserve their workstation.

Group rooms, audio booths and the music room will still need to be reserved via

Despite this relaxation of restrictions, other measures remain in place: a maximum of 300 visitors is allowed at a time and visitors are obliged to respect barrier gestures and wear a mask in all BnL premises. The BnL does not operate under the CovidCheck regime.