Ian Tewes, Director General of the Agence eSanté; Credit: Agence eSanté

The Agence eSanté announced it has appointed Ian Tewes as its new Director General from Friday 1 September 2023.

The Management Board of the Agence eSanté unanimously approved his appointment during a meeting on Friday 28 July 2023.

Ian Tewes, who previously held the roles of First Government Advisor and Coordinator of the "Digital Health" department at Luxembourg’s Ministry of Health, will from now on, be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Agence eSanté. He will do so in parallel with the current Director General who will retire on 31 December 2023, in order to ensure an optimal and efficient transition of the various ongoing files.

In collaboration with the new Chairman of the Board of Managers, Marc Hostert, first government adviser, in charge of digitalisation at Luxembourg’s Ministry of Social Security, their mission will consist in accelerating the digitalisation of the health sector, in particular through the Health Information System Luxembourg (HISL) project. This project aims to offer every health professional direct access to the health information necessary to guarantee optimal patient care.

The board of managers expressed its gratitude to Hervé Barge for his precious services provided to the Agence eSanté and wished the new team set-up, Ian Tewes and Marc Hostert, as well as the collaborators, much success for the continuation in the process of digitalisation of the health sector.