Credit: European Commission

Luxembourg has retained seventh position (Strong Innovators) on the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) published by the European Commission for 2022, which aims to measure and compare the relative performance of the 27 European Union (EU) Member States in terms of innovation.

The score of 18.6% above the EU average (100%) is marginally lower (down 0.4%) than the score obtained in 2021.

Luxembourg in particular maintains its position at the top of the ranking of the most attractive research systems. The three indicators of the "attractiveness of the research system" section are international scientific co-publications, citations of scientific publications and the share of foreign doctoral students. Moreover, the areas in which the country is best positioned are publications resulting from collaboration between the public and private sectors, the share of the population with a higher education diploma and jobs in knowledge-intensive sectors.

Minister of Higher Education and Research, Claude Meisch, is particularly pleased that Luxembourg is in first European position in the ranking of the most attractive research systems: "The results reflected in the EIS 2022 are the result of a a very committed government policy that has placed research at the top of its list of priorities for years. With considerable and targeted investments, we have succeeded in building a dynamic and sustainable, but above all attractive research ecosystem, thus positioning Luxembourg as an internationally visible player through the excellence of its scientific activities".