Labour Minister Georges Engel (center) with OBGL executive board members; Credit: MTEESS

On Monday 7 February 2022, Luxembourg's Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy, Georges Engel, met with the executive board of the OGBL trade union.

Minister Engel raised three bills that should be discussed and implemented before the next legislative elections. These include the right to disconnect, the bill against moral harassment at work and the legislation concerning platform work. Apart from these three subjects, the Minister also raised the importance of continuing education.

OGBL representatives also shared their views on some key topics.

Regarding the right to disconnect, the president of the OGBL, Nora Back, underlined the importance of such a law while specifying that the bill is based on an agreement between the unions and the employers' organisations.

Platform work is also a subject of concern to unions. The phenomenon would definitely have happened in Luxembourg and the dangers for the people concerned are real, underlined Nora Back.

Another theme that was raised by the OGBL is the legislation on collective agreements. The union stressed that this legislation should be modernised to take into account the realities of the world of work in order to encourage the negotiation and signing of many more collective agreements.

Finally, Minister Engel underscored the importance of social dialogue within the Standing Committee on Labor and Employment (CPTE). Along these lines, topics such as continuing education and legislation on collective agreements should be discussed within the CPTE.