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POST Luxembourg and Luxcontrol have joined forces to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Luxembourg assess and improve their position in the face of cybersecurity risks.

Under the name "Cyberscore", this new evaluation and labelling tool will officially launch at the start of the 2023 academic year.

According to the partners, the partnership for the creation of Cyberscore is based on the recognised experience of Luxcontrol in the field of risk management-related security, analysis and audit in the context of Luxembourg and European standards and POST Luxembourg's expertise in cybersecurity and ICT solutions.

International standards such as ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and the controls of the Center for Internet Security (CIS) repository will provide guidelines for the development of this evaluation and labelling process which includes eighteen domains and more than 90 control points.

Based on an assessment carried out on-site by Luxcontrol, a company is assigned a Cyberscore ranging from A to E, accompanied by a detailed report indicating the specific strengths and weaknesses.

A company that has obtained Cyberscore A or B will be awarded the Cyberscore label which demonstrates its maturity in this area, provides proof that the company meets the prescribed standards and that it is able to demonstrate it.

If a company does not achieve a sufficient Cyberscore, the detailed report including multiple recommendations will help it establish a cybersecurity action plan, with the possibility of being accompanied by POST Luxembourg experts with the aim of obtaining the label.