After the use of lead ammunition was banned in wetlands across Europe last year, natur&ëmwelt Asbl and its partners are taking part in the Europe-wide campaign including the petition #BanLeadNow to completely ban toxic lead ammunition and fishing weights.
In this context, they remark that good alternatives are available.
According to Natur&ëmwelt, "Lead is highly toxic: in Europe it has already been banned from petrol, paint and pipes because it poses serious health risks. There is no safe level of exposure to lead. Yet it is still used on a large scale in shooting and fishing.
Every year 44,000 tonnes of lead ammunition and fishing weights enter the European environment. This invisible pollution poisons our wildlife, endangers human health, contaminates our water and soil and poses a danger to our pets and livestock.
In Luxembourg, an estimated 550 kg of lead enter the environment every year through hunting. Unfortunately, there are no official figures for fishing.
In 2021, the European Chemicals Agency recognized the seriousness of the situation and proposed a permanent ban on the sale and use of lead ammunition and fishing weights in Europe. The Netherlands, Denmark and Flanders, which have issued complete bans on lead ammunition, prove that this is possible. There are also "lead-free" areas in Germany and several federal states have completely banned lead-containing rifle ammunition".
For over 20 years, natur&ëmwelt Asbl and its international partner BirdLife have been calling for a ban on lead ammunition. After the use of lead ammunition was banned in wetlands across Europe at the beginning of 2023, they are now calling on decision-makers to ban it completely as part of the #BanLeadNow campaign.
The European Commission is to make an ambitious proposal, which will then be supported by national governments and ultimately the European Parliament.
Arguments why lead must be banned now
- Wildlife: Every year at least one million birds die a painful death when they ingest toxic ammunition or fishing weights. These include some of Europe's most famous bird species such as swans and eagles. Millions more birds suffer the effects of lead poisoning.
- People: When lead ammunition is used in hunting, lead fragments are scattered in meat, endangering anyone who eats it. Lead exposure is particularly harmful to pregnant women and children, as it affects brain development and general health. Currently, one million children across Europe are at risk from avoidable lead exposure.
- Soil and water: Lead ammunition and fishing weights pollute our soil and water, contaminating entire food chains, leaving a toxic legacy for future generations.
- Pets: Pets are at risk of lead poisoning from eating pet food made with contaminated game meat, which can affect their health and wellbeing.
- Livestock: Domestic animals such as cattle and poultry can ingest lead when grazing on contaminated land, endangering their health and the quality of the food supply.
All of this is preventable by banning lead in ammunition.
Alternatives are available
"The switch to non-toxic alternatives is also supported by groups of hunters and sports shooters, the food retail trade, scientists, health experts and UN conventions. Non-toxic alternatives to lead are available, effective and affordable, whether for ammunition (copper, steel, brass) or fishing weights (tin, bismuth, steel, ceramic and tungsten).
Take action and sign the petition
The #BanLeadNow petition can be signed at www.naturemwelt.lu/banleadnow. By completely banning lead ammunition and fishing weights, Europe can become a safer and healthier place for people, animals and nature".
For further information, see https://banleadnow.com/