Credit: Luxembourg Environment Agency

The Luxembourg Environment Agency and the Customs and Excise Administration have announced that nine cross-border waste transport checks were carried out as part of “Operation Demeter IX”.

In October 2023, checks were carried out on the A3, A6, N31 (Pétange), the Wemperhaardt (border with Belgium), the customs centre in Howald, the Fridhaff in Diekirch and between Frisange and Hellange (border with France). In total, 124 vehicles were inspected, 49 of which presented at least one non-compliance.

When professionals, whether they operate small craft businesses or large transport companies, are involved in waste transportation, they are required to possess specific registrations or transport authorisations, depending on the type of waste and its intended destination. These documents, along with other accompanying records, serve to verify the nature and destination of the transported waste.

During these inspections, 79 infractions were noted and sanctioned for the 49 non-compliant lorries. These infractions included issues such as missing documents, incomplete records and lack of required authorisations.

These checks are conducted in accordance with European regulations and serve multiple purposes, according to Luxembourg Environment Agency. They aim to prevent illegal waste transport, ensure the safe and efficient management of hazardous waste (which has restricted transport requirements) and optimise waste treatment processes. During these inspections, agents not only scrutinise the required documents but also examine the nature of the waste being transported.