Credit: Embassy of Japan in Luxembourg

The Embassy of Japan in Luxembourg has announced that a group of students from the École Privée Sainte-Anne will participate in the annual international photo festival for secondary school students, called the "International High School Students' Photo Festival Exchange" taking place in the Higashikawa town in Hokkaido, Japan.

The town has invited students from 21 countries and regions to participate and they promote international exchange among young people through photography. One representative school (three students and one teacher) from each country can visit Hokkaido to take part in the exchange.

This year, seven secondary schools in Luxembourg applied for the national preliminary contest.

The École Privée Sainte-Anne won this year's contest, handing in six photos that convinced the jury. The winning entries of this year were chosen by an independent jury from the Fédération Luxembourgeoise de la Photographie Artistique (FLPA).

The winning school’s representative team will visit the town of Higashikawa between Monday 19 and Sunday 25 August 2024 to participate in this festival.

Before they left Luxembourg, the Ambassador of Japan to Luxembourg, Tadahiro  Matsubara, met them on Monday 12 August at the Embassy of Japan in Luxembourg City. The three students visited the embassy in Luxembourg-Limpertsberg together with a teacher and one of the judges who will both accompany the students to Hokkaido. The Ambassador welcomed their visit, admired their photos and encouraged them on their travels and international experiences ahead.

The Embassy of Japan in Luxembourg noted that they were pleased to send students from Luxembourg to Japan for this unique opportunity for international exchange and expressed their hope that this would contribute to the further development of bilateral relations between Luxembourg and Japan.

More information on the International High School Students' Photo Festival Exchange can be found at the following website: