Credit: ME

Luxembourg Strategy (Luxembourg Stratégie), the strategic prospective department of Luxembourg's Ministry of the Economy, is conducting a public campaign from Friday 2 December 2022 until Monday 9 January 2023.

During this period, the campaign aims to collect the opinion of the resident population concerning the three possible future scenarios and the corresponding strategic vision for the Luxembourg economy in 2050. These scenarios have been designed by Luxembourg Strategy following a collaborative process that has taken place over the last few months.

The public inquiry which began on Friday is part of the ECO2050 prospective study which aims to anticipate the trajectories of the economic development of the Grand Duchy over the coming decades. With the contributions collected through this public campaign, Luxembourg Strategy intends to identify the opportunities to be seized and the threats to be reduced or avoided in order to make the economy more competitive, more inclusive and more resilient.

The campaign is taking place online and lasts six weeks. It is aimed at all citizens, pupils and students, employees and employers, economically inactive and retired people, residents, cross-border workers or expatriates, nationals or not, all those who feel concerned by the economic future of Luxembourg. According to the ministry, young people from the age of sixteen are particularly affected, since it is a question of bringing about today the national economy which will exist 27 years from now.

To participate, all interested persons should complete the online questionnaire at The response time for the questionnaire is estimated at 20 minutes. The responses received will be treated in accordance with the privacy policy of the "Zesummen Vereinfachen" platform of the Ministry of Digitalisation.

Respondents also have the opportunity to take part in a lunch-debate with the Minister of the Economy, Franz Fayot, on Wednesday 14 December 2022 and Monday 16 January 2022; places will be allocated in order of receipt of responses. The number of places for attendance are limited. 

The results of the study (future scenarios and strategic vision) will be presented to the general public on Tuesday 28 March 2023.

Further information is available online via