On Wednesday 29 January 2025, Luxembourg's Ministry of Culture announced the launch of the 2025 edition of its call for projects dedicated to support for new forms of cultural mediation – blogs, vlogs and podcasts.
Designed to support independent authors, critics or columnists specialising in the cultural field, this system encourages innovative initiatives and new writing that accompany the artistic and cultural scene in Luxembourg.
Capped at €5,000 per project, the aid is aimed at online initiatives, blogs, vlogs or podcasts highlighting Luxembourg's artistic and cultural news. It aims to promote original projects that offer a critical perspective, creative support or innovative mediation of Luxembourg's arts and culture.
Authors from the world of media or culture, not affiliated with established press organisations, are invited to submit their applications before 16 March 2025.
Projects must have existed for at least six months and offer regularly updated content. The following are eligible:
- online platforms dedicated to literary, sound, audiovisual or artistic creation
- online platforms dedicated to artistic criticism or reporting
- podcasts or vlogs dedicated to meetings with artists or related professions or to debate on the arts
- innovative projects for the mediation of live performance, literature, visual arts, cinema, heritage, history or current creation in Luxembourg (applications, games, video series, etc.)
Applications will be evaluated by a jury based on their originality, editorial quality, the diligence of their updating or the contribution of the project to cultural life in Luxembourg.
To read the conditions and criteria, see https://mcult.gouvernement.lu/fr/Domaines/appels-a-projets/aide-nouvelles-formes-mediation-cuturelle.html