On Friday 14 October 2016, pupils from Belvaux-Poste Primary School took part in Handicap International Luxembourg’s second anti-mine race “Ech lafe géint d’Minne”.

Last week, almost 285 pupils took part in Handicap International’s race, which shows solidarity with mine victims. It was thanks to the mobilisation of teaching staff at the school, pupils’ parents and the Sanem municipality that this year’s event took place.

During the event, as well as participating in the race, the children had the chance to learn about what Handicap International does in the sector of humanitarian mine clearing.
The race, which took place in Belval-Poste Primary School’s football stadium, shows the participants’ opposition to mines, cluster munitions and explosive remnants of war. The pupils, aged between three and twelve, ran a 50, 100 and 200 metres race in the morning. Donations made will be used to support Handicap International’s projects across the world.

In spite of the prohibition of mines and cluster munitions, the fight continues. As such, it is important to continue to make people aware of the situation and maintain mobilisation.