Luxembourg's Environment Agency has announced the introduction of a new financial aid scheme aimed at improving the sound insulation of residential buildings against aircraft noise near Luxembourg Airport.
Following the expiry of the relevant Grand-Ducal regulation of 2013, a new law has been drafted, with Luxembourg's Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development set to invest €2,450,000 in improving the sound insulation of about 2,600 homes near the airport.
The main new features to come into force are as follows:
- the eligible area has been expanded to ensure a greater number of owners can now apply for financial aid for sound insulation (2,635 addresses compared to 400 addresses before);
- new construction elements are eligible (French windows, elements replacing roller boxes);
- the aid amounts have been revised and increased at the levels of constructible elements (e.g. windows) and of advice;
- the deadline for the eligibility period has been extended until 2032;
- administrative procedures have been simplified (a single report is now required).
On the first point, the residential buildings eligible for the aid scheme defined in the law of 23 August 2023 have been identified on the basis of strategic airport noise maps for 2016 and 2021. These maps show the residential areas affected by airport noise from Luxembourg with averages of more than ≥ 64 dB(A) during the day and more than ≥ 54 dB(A) at night. The list of addresses is available on emwelt.lu.
Eligible beneficiaries can apply for maximum financial assistance of up to €16,000 for a house (previously €12,500) and €8,000 for an apartment (previously €6,250) to improve sound insulation.
For construction elements: €260 per m2 for a window (previously €200); €430 for controlled ventilation (compared to €360 before).
For work consultancy and supervision fees (F3, OAI): €100 per hour.
Financial aid can be combined with the PRIMeHouse aid scheme if the conditions of both aid schemes are met.
According to the Environment Agency, the new law aims to create an updated aid scheme for the owners of houses and residential buildings, the construction of which was authorised before 31 August 1986, with a view to improving acoustic insulation against aircraft noise from Luxembourg Airport. The new aid scheme aims to allow more people to benefit from subsidies for better sound insulation and thus reduce the noise caused by aircraft inside homes.
Further information is available on Guichet.lu: https://guichet.public.lu/en/citoyens/logement/renovation-transformation/aides-capital/isolation-acoustique-bruit-aerien.html.