The Cercle Culturel des Institutions Européennes (EU Cultural Circle) is the umbrella organisation for around 35 clubs and associations affiliated to the European Institutions in Luxembourg.
From music and theatre to chess and wine, there is a variety of clubs for individuals with different interests. Membership and participation in the clubs’ and associations' activities, is also open to people not working in the European Institutions.
In this series of articles, Chronicle.lu explores some of the different clubs and associations of the Cercle Culturel, including their main activities, interests, membership and events.
Next up is the Ciel Photo Club, where Chronicle.lu talked with Dirk Stockmans, Club President.
Chronicle.lu: When and why was the club founded, and what are its main goals and objectives?
Dirk Stockmans: We started in 1968 as a club for EU officials, to share our passion for photography. For a long time, we had our own darkroom but we have had to close that for lack of space and because all of our members now use their own digital darkroom. We do have a professional photo studio that our members use after having followed studio training.
Chronicle.lu: What is the main language of the club and how many nationalities are members of the club?
Dirk Stockmans: From a mostly French-speaking club, we have evolved to a mix of French and English: everyone can speak the language they feel most comfortable in and most of our members understand both. At last count, we had 22 nationalities represented in our club!
Chronicle.lu: How often do you meet and where?
Dirk Stockmans: We meet every Monday at 20.00 at the Foyer européen (10, rue Heine, Luxembourg-City). Everyone interested is most welcome to come to visit us before they decide to become a member. We have a summer break in July and August.
Chronicle.lu: What is your main target audience?
Dirk Stockmans: We are open to anyone interested in photography, from absolute beginner to experienced photography enthusiast, young and old.
Chronicle.lu: How has membership grown over the years and has membership increased since Cercle Culturel began admitting members who are not working in EU institutions? What percentage of your members are not employed by the EU institutions (if known)?
Dirk Stockmans: We started in 1968 as a club for EU officials, but for the last few decades almost half of our members have been photo enthusiasts from all walks of life in Luxembourg and the Grande Région. Our membership has been relatively stable, with a drop during Covid – we continued meeting online but did not have any photo courses during the pandemic. Nowadays, we have about 60 members. At our weekly meetings we tend to have fifteen to twenty members present. Anyone who takes training with us automatically becomes a member for the running year. Some move on after that, others renew their membership and bring in new views and new inspiration.
Chronicle.lu: What events are your club planning or participating in during the coming months?
Dirk Stockmans: We just participated in the Salon National of the FLPA (Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Photographie Artistique), where we had a stand and a studio corner with two models. Also, every year we organise a group exhibition on a theme that we choose together and work on throughout the year. Our last exhibition, which premiered at EY on Kirchberg, focused on Water as a theme. Currently, we are working on the theme of Trees, and we will exhibit at La Belle Etoile in March/April 2025.
Chronicle.lu: How can someone who is interested in the club’s activities become a member?
Dirk Stockmans: Anyone interested can have a look at www.ciel.lu to consult our programme and pay us a visit before deciding whether to become a member. Do drop us an email at email: info@ciel.lu before you visit, as we sometimes do photo walks outside instead of being at our normal room at the Foyer européen. You don’t need to work for the EU, all we require is an interest in photography. Do reach out to us and drop by!
Chronicle.lu: Are there different classes/different levels for beginners through to more experienced members?
Dirk Stockmans: We are currently running two courses: a studio training course spread out over 5 Saturday afternoons, and an Intermediate photo course, delving deeper into topics such as advanced camera settings, shooting in manual-mode, understanding light and its properties, creative composition, mastering flash and low light photography. Those courses and a beginner’s course will be offered again next spring. If you’re interested, contact us at email: info@ciel.lu.