The British Ladies Club of Luxembourg held its annual children's Hallowe'en event on Saturday 21 October 2023 at the Bambësch forest playground in Luxembourg-Mühlenbach.
The forest took on a hauntingly enchanted air as witches, vampires, ghosts and pumpkins combed the woods in search of hidden treasures. Amid the crowd of 63 children, occasional glimpses of golden-haired superheroes, bandaged mummies and dinosaurs could be spotted, and they were all rewarded for their foraging prowess.
Craft tables buzzed with enthusiastic children, eager to create spider webs, peg monsters, scary masks and spooky bats. They needed skill and precision to toss hoops onto the legs of a colossal spider and witches hats. The children also threw bean bags into the mouths of a giant pumpkin. At the end, everyone received goodie bags to take home.
Georgina Bryant, one of the Parents & Chidren's coordinators at BLC, said: "The high demand for tickets always takes us by surprise and we sold out within a matter of days. This ghoulish event is adored by both children and their parents and offers the perfect way to celebrate Hallowe'en." The organisers confirmed that they had increased the number of tickets from 50 to 60 this year due to last year's demand (with an additional three children joining the throng on Saturday morning).
The BLC is holding its Children's Christmas Party on Saturday 9 December 2023. Ticket release dates are 6 November for members and 13 November for non-members. Further details are available via email: kids@blc.lu.