The British Ladies Club (BLC) has announced that its 29th annual Car Boot Sale will take place on Saturday 13 May 2023 from 09:00 - 16:00 at the P&R Adenauer (Bld Konrad Adenauer) in Luxembourg-Kirchberg.
Those wanting to participate can bring their "unwanted treasures" to sell from the boot of one's car or from a table. Bicycles, clothes, bric-a-brac, books, toys, furniture - in fact, anything one can fit into one's car. Stall holders may not sell food or drinks. Refreshments will be available on site.
To reserve a slot at the event, or make general enquiries about the event, email: carboot@blc.lu (from 1 April for members; from 8 April for non-members); the cost is €25 for BLC Members and €30 for non-members, to be paid to the BLC's account (IBAN LU59 0019 2855 9485 5000; ref: CBS and your participation number which is given upon registering) by 1 May 2023. No refunds for cancellations as all profit from the sale of spots is passed to the relevant charities. Any profit made is the seller's to keep.
The BLC puts a number of restrictions in place: all items for sale must be second-hand; and absolutely no trailers or vans are allowed.
Offers to help on the day will be welcomed, particularly to help with parking - they will need to be on site by 06:45 and will not be able to set up their own stall (if they have one) until all cars are safely in position.
The BLC is organising a shuttle bus (a red London double-decker bus) will will go between the P&R and the Glacis car park, between 09:00 - 16:00.
Selling starts at 09:00.