The Kazakhstan-Luxembourg Cooperation (KLC) has announced that it is organising an event on the occasion of the Independence Day of Kazakhstan at "Ennert de Steiler" bar (2 Rue de la Loge, 1945 Luxembourg) on Thursday 16 December 2021 from 18:00.
This event, entitled "Apero with Kazakhs", is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan (16 December 1991).
As well as playing music by a Kazakh DJ, the event offers a chance to meet new friends and network.
There is no entrance fee. Participants pay for whatever food or drinks they consume.
COVID-19 vaccination certificate / test checks will be carried out on site.
Those interested are asked to confirm their attendance via email: halim_t@kazlux.org, Facebook: @kazluxc or tel. /WhatAapp: 691-232334.