The Lions Club Erasmus, which is part of the Lions International movement and is the only English-speaking Lions Club in Luxembourg, is celebrating its 20th anniversary by donating €20,000 to charity.
2020, a year overshadowed by the coronavirus pandemic, marked the 20th anniversary of the Lions Club Erasmus. Given the health context, any form of celebration had to be postponed as activities were in general severely curtailed. Nevertheless, the club decided to donate €20,000 to charity on this special occasion. This was part of the club's general support activities under the motto “coins for kids”, with donations of over €150,000 over the years.
Due to restrictions and other COVID-19-related obstacles, not all organisations could be reached, but the club undertook to honour its commitments throughout 2021.
So far, Lions Club Erasmus has donated to the Banque Alimentaire, Femme Contemporaine, Caritas and to a project in cooperation with the Lions Club Decan Sibiu Romania.
Banque Alimentaire welcomed the additional financial support due to the need to keep its supplies up by buying rather than receiving food through collections. Lions Erasmus added locally produced honey to its donation.
The donation to Caritas contributed to the financing of twelve tablets allowing refugee children and young people to follow their digital classes.
As a long-standing recipient of Lions Erasmus’ support, Femme Contemporaine was an obvious choice for this charitable initiative.
Finally, the project in Romania deals with schooling support in the Barghis commune (Sibiu county). For the school year 2020/2021, thirteen pupils follow lessons in mathematics, Romanian and English. Due to COVID-19, the children have to be taught online and their families are in a difficult financial situation. The donation provided for thirteen tablets which are used by the pupils.