Credit: FAD

Fathers Against Discrimination (FAD) have announced that they are holding a protest tomorrow, starting at 11:30 in front of Auchan Kirchberg (Avenue JFK side).

FAD, the tagline of which is "Both Parents for All Children™", has described itself as a Luxembourg platform for dialogue to raise awareness of gender inequality, especially the discrimination of fathers in Luxembourgish institutions and courts (in the Luxembourg Family Law).

Despite recent changes in the Luxembourg Civil Code introduced on 1 November 2018, 50/50 Equal Shared Parenting – Alternating Residence is still not a default rule and rarely introduced by Luxembourg Family Courts, according to FAD. The association has also argued that legislators and judges in most cases remain immune to the evidence provided by over four decades of empirical studies, scientific conclusions and consensus among internationally recognised psychologists confirming that 50/50 Equal Shared Parenting – Alternating Residence is the most effective model bringing emotional stability to children during separation and after divorce of the parents. One of FAD's main aims is thus to promote the introduction of 50/50 Shared Parenting – Alternating Residence in Luxembourg as a default rule.

Friday's protest will spread FAD's message that a child should never be deprived of their natural human right to family life and equal access to both parents nor does anyone have the right to decide which parents' love has more value. The non-profit association will be handing out material and will be on hand to answer any questions during the protest.

The protest starts at 11:30 at Auchan Kirchberg before moving on to the city centre at 14:00 to protest in front of the Court House, the Ministry of Equal Rights between Women and Men and the Prime Minister’s office.

For further details, visit

In addition, those wishing to sign the FAD petition to help make 50/50 Shared Parenting – Alternating Residence a rule and a starting point for all custody hearings in Luxembourg can do so at: