Caritas Jeunes et Familles asbl has announced a change of leadership: Christiane Schaus is taking over from Marc Hengen as President.
The Luxembourg-based association had announced the decision of Marc Hengen to step down as President on Friday 6 December 2024.
Marc Hengen had served in this role for 25 years. The association's Board, Management and staff expressed their gratitude to him for his dedication over the years. Caritas Jeunes et Familles added that he had played a key role in assuring partners that the recent Caritas embezzlement scandal had nothing to do with this association, which has reportedly emerged "stronger from this crisis, having proved its independence, professionalism and commitment".
By stepping down as President, Marc Hengen has also resigned from the crisis committee which has been managing (since summer) the consequences of the Caritas embezzlement scandal (involving Fondation Caritas and Caritas Accueil et Solidarité).
As announced on Wednesday 11 December 2024, Christiane Schaus has now been appointed President of Caritas Jeunes et Familles. Ms Schaus has been part of the Board for 28 years and served as Vice-President for the past five years.
According to the Board, her appointment is "a clear message in favour of continuity". It added that the choice "expresses the desire to pursue the development strategy of Caritas Jeunes et Familles as well as its vision in the service of child and youth development and helping families".
Christiane Schaus thanked her predecessor for his commitment and expressed her enthusiasm at taking up the reins of the association, which has witnessed "an extraordinary evolution" since its creation in 1987. Today, Caritas Jeunes et Familles counts more than 700 employees and nearly 50 structures and activities.