The American Women’s Club of Luxembourg (AWCL) has launched the 2024 edition of its “Gifts for Kids” initiative, which raises funds for the purchase of St. Nicholas’ Day gifts, for children living in Luxembourg’s foyers or group homes.
Since 1996, the AWCL has been involved with the Gifts for Kids initiative by raising funds, coordinating the purchase of selected toys and delivering them to children living in group homes or foyers, in time for Saint Nicholas’ Day. St. Nicholas traditionally leaves gifts/presents for Luxembourg children on 6 December and this initiative ensures that every child experiences the joy of receiving a gift on the day.
This annual volunteer-run charitable campaign purchases children's “gift wishes” at a maximum of €25 per gift. This is only possible thanks to the continued generosity of volunteers, school and corporate sponsors and individuals who donate funds.
According to AWCL,1,453 gifts were delivered to 85 foyers throughout Luxembourg in 2023. As a result of an increasing number of requests for 2024, AWCL aims to expand the programme.
Stefan Schoos, Social Worker at Hëllef um Terrain (HUT), commented on the impact of this initiative by stating “The gifts offered by your association to children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, have a profound impact on their well-being and happiness. They bring not only joy, but also a feeling of inclusion and care, which is essential for their personal and emotional development.”
How To Support Gifts For Kids Initiative:
- Corporate sponsorship is the backbone of the Gifts for Kids Programme. AWCL partners with corporations throughout Luxembourg and supplies “Giving Trees” with individual gift “wish list” ornaments. The employee chooses an ornament and makes a donation via bank transfer or Payconiq. There is no need to purchase a specific gift. AWCL takes care of all of the logistics.
- School Sponsors: AWCL provides the Giving Trees and ornaments for students to choose a gift “wish list” ornament to sponsor.
- Individual Giving: Anyone can participate in the Gifts For Kids initiative by making a donation via bank transfer or Payconiq. One €25 donation will cover the cost of a gift for a child, but any amount is welcome. Every contribution makes a special impact in the lives of children throughout Luxembourg.
100% of the money raised goes directly to the Gifts for Kids initiative. The volunteer-run charity coordinates the purchase of the requested toys and their subsequent delivery in time for St. Nicholas Day.
For further information, or to become a sponsor, email: philanthropy@awclux.com or see: https://awclux.com/giftsforkids
Bank details for donations are: AWCL Gifts for Kids Charity IBAN: LU38 0019 5655 8703 6000, BIC: BCEELULL
Chronicle.lu talked with Marwah Naseem, Director of Philantrophy at the AWCL.
Chronicle.lu: How many sponsors do you have, and is there an increase or decrease since last year?
Marwah Naseem: We have up to 35 dedicated sponsors and we have added a couple more this year. We are always looking to include more.
Chronicle.lu: Have you had or will you have fundraising events?
Marwah Naseem: We host a Halloween Trunk or Treat fundraising event every autumn and an Easter Egg hunt in spring.
Chronicle.lu: Are schoolchildren from St George's and ISL creating individual cards to send with each gift again this year? Are there other schools involved?
Marwah Naseem: Yes, both Saint George's and ISL lower grade students make individual gift card to accompany the gifts.
Chronicle.lu: How many volunteers are typically involved in the organisation and delivery of gifts?
Marwah Naseem: We typically have up to 30 volunteers to help with the project. This year we are including our sponsors and the public to volunteer.