Credit: Stëmm vun der Strooss

Stëmm vun der Strooss, a local non-profit organisation promoting the social and professional integration of disadvantaged people, has reported that it recently received support from the international law firm A&O Shearman.

For the third year in a row, a team of 30 volunteers, coordinated by Valérie Furgala, Magali Maillot, Fabian Beullekens, Patrick Mischo, Gilles Dall'Agnol and Andreas Hommel from A&O Shearman, welcomed 140 people who normally have lunch at the Stëmm social restaurant in Luxembourg-Hollerich to their table on the eighth floor of the A&O Shearman building in Luxembourg-Kirchberg.

According to Stëmm vun der Strooss, Jean-Paul's eyes lit up as he explained: "I don't know how to thank them, but I have to say that it's really wonderful to be able to spend a moment in such a luxurious place with a view of the entire Kirchberg plateau." On the menu was a vegetable salad starter, followed by Basque-style chicken with almond potatoes, and cheesecake for dessert.

Magali Maillot, HR Director of A&O Shearman, recalled that this partnership with Stëmm vun der Strooss has been in place since 2013. She stated: "It's quite normal to get involved in helping the poorest of the poor. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a job, a home or [good] health."

The non-profit's beneficiaries received 140 backpacks with hygiene articles, which were collected by the law firm's employees.

In addition, the firm donated office supplies and provided €1,000 in financial support. Valérie Furgala, Senior Legal PA to the Office Partner at A&O Shearman, shared that it gave her great pleasure to paint smiles on faces that are often marked by the trials of life.