Board of Directors of Stëmm vun der Strooss as of 27 June 2024; Credit: Stëmm vun der Strooss

Stëmm vun der Strooss, a local non-profit organisation promoting the social and professional integration of disadvantaged people, has reported that it recently appointed a new President and Board of Directors.

After 22 years at the helm, 79-year-old Marcel Detaille is stepping down to make way for a new generation. The outgoing president explained: "From a certain age, you have to know when to stop, but I will never be very far away. I fully intend to continue to carefully follow the actions that will be carried out by Stëmm vun der Strooss and by its new Board of Directors." André Duebbers succeeds him as President, with Catherine Phillips serving as Vice-President (succeeding André Theisen).

Marcel Detaille has been involved in Stëmm vun der Strooss for 24 years, including 22 years as President. For Director Alexandra Oxacelay, "Marcel was much more than a 'simple' President. He was my mentor, my ally, my pillar, since he supported me when I needed it most. But the most important thing is that without him, Stëmm would not be what it is today."

Marcel Detaille had previously served as union secretary and member of the executive office of the OGBL (1985-1999), as Director of the Chamber of Employees (1999-2008) and as secretary general of AS La Jeunesse d'Esch (2007-2017).

Highlights under his leadership at Stëmm vun der Strooss include welcoming Abbé Pierre to the Rotondes in Luxembourg-Bonnevoie for the screening of a film about homelessness (SDF Go Home) and the opening of an emergency shelter for homeless people in 2003, as well as inaugurating the "Schweesdreps" professional reintegration workshop and the social restaurant at 32 Grand Rue in Luxembourg City in 2004. One year later, Marcel Detaille created the Immo Stëmm service which provided 27 people with decent housing. Other highlights cited by Stëmm vun der Strooss include: the launch of a collaboration with the Auchan hypermarket (2009); the relocation of social restaurants to more suitable premises over the years; the creation of the "Caddy" reintegration workshop (2013); the opening of a post-therapy centre for people struggling with addiction (2015); the opening of the Résidence Myosotis in Tetange (2014); the creation of "Kannerstëmm" for children affected by poverty (2020); the opening of the "Saxophone" reception centre (2022); the opening of a third social restaurant, in Ettelbruck (2023).

As of 27 June 2024, the Board of Directors of Stëmm vun der Strooss is composed as follows: André Duebbers, president; Catherine Phillips, vice-president; Marc Van Vlokhoven, secretary; Marc Welter, treasurer; Jean-Jacques Rauchs, director (member); Jean Robert Lentz, director; Dr Arno Bache, director; Jean Feith, director; Jean-Paul Schaaf, director; Giovanni Ferigo, director.