At a press conference dedicated to the launch of its "Ukraine is calling" fundraising campaign on Tuesday 25 October 2022, LUkraine asbl announced its new goal of raising enough money to purchase 112 emergency vehicles for Ukraine.
The initial goal was to be able to buy 100 emergency vehicles but LUkraine asbl has since opted for the symbolic figure of "112", i.e. the emergency number in the European Union (EU).
The main concept of this freshly launched campaign is "Ukraine is calling for help. Don't decline lives!". It is a call to action aimed at raising €10 million to support first responders in war-torn Ukraine. LUkraine asbl has pledged to purchase and send 112 ambulances and fire engines, which are in short supply amid the ongoing war, to Ukraine's Ministry of Health and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.
The promotional part of the campaign in Luxembourg will run until 1 December 2022. The campaign is supported by major Luxembourgish media outlets (including Chronicle.lu), as well as the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours - CGDIS), the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, the European Commission, the Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Belgium and the City of Esch-sur-Alzette.
All costs are accounted for: a reputable, well-known auditing firm will be taking care of the finances and all the vehicles will be on display in Luxembourg before being driven to Ukraine in a convoy to be handed over to the beneficiaries.
During the press conference on Tuesday, Nicolas Zharov, President of LUkraine asbl, explained: "'Ukraine is calling' is inspired by LUkraine's projects within which fourteen ambulances and two fire trucks were procured and sent to the most affected by war regions of Ukraine. Within this campaign, LUkraine has signed memorandums with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, who will be the beneficiaries of the rescue vehicles procured through the campaign. Luxembourg is the first stage of this campaign. We would like to show that even a small country can make a large contribution and impact on the current situation in Ukraine. After other European countries (Belgium, Germany, France) and the United States, Canada will join our efforts".
Inna Yaremenko, Vice President of LUkraine asbl, added: "Ukrainian emergency services are doing their very best to aid all citizens made victims of the unjustified Russian aggression. However, because of the fast resource degeneration, they are stretched to the limit. As of today, more than 2000 rescue vehicles have been destroyed in Ukraine since 24 February. We want to help fill the gaps, in terms of resources, in the national emergency infrastructure so that ambulances and fire services can reach the people most in need. We understand that our goal is a challenge, but we're sure there are enough caring people to achieve our aspiration".
Anne Calteux, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg, commented: "I would like to thank you [LUkraine asbl] with all my heart for having launched this important initiative which is completely in line with all the efforts that the European Union has put in place since the very first day of this war". She summarised the various actions taken by the EU in this context: "We have provided humanitarian, military, budgetary and financial systems, and support to Ukraine, for a total amount so far €19 billion".
Ms Calteux added that such measures would "not stop there [...] because this war isn't over, it's getting more and more intense day by day. You [LUkraine asbl] have illustrated that very well with your presentations". She continued: "So, we all need to stay mobilised and motivated throughout the next months and years. Because it's about ending this war, it's about allowing Ukraine and all Ukrainians to live through this war, but also to live after this war".
Thomas Barrett, US Ambassador to Luxembourg, also showed his support for the fundraising campaign: "Over the last eight months Ukrainian people have shown this world that their heart and their soul will never ever be defeated. And that's a lesson for anyone on this planet… I’m very proud of my country, the United States and the $33 billion of assistance that have been provided to Ukraine since 2014. And we did it for one simple reason - it's the right thing to do". He added: "Governments can't do all these things [alone] but I know […] in this world there are millions of people who are watching what's going on in Ukraine right now and they want to help. And this is the way they help; this is the way people can help. [...] I want to thank you [LUkraine asbl] again and all the people of Ukraine for setting an example to the people of this world".
Also present at this press conference, in addition to representatives of LUkraine asbl and the media, were the Czech, Polish, German and French Ambassadors to Luxembourg.
The next event dedicated to the "Ukraine is calling" campaign will be the inaugural installation of an ambulance brought over from Ukraine in the city centre of Esch-sur-Alzette on Saturday 29 October 2022 at 16:00.
To support the campaign, visit https://ukraineiscalling.com/.