Credit: Collectif Reflex

The fifth edition of the LËTZ GO GOLD charity race took place in Luxembourg on Saturday 24 September 2022 and raised a record amount of €560,000 for the benefit of chidhood cancer research.

In addition to breaking last year's record amount of €420,220, this year's event attracted a record number of participants: 1,182 runners (and 101 teams).

The race, organised by Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner, a Luxembourgish charity supporting children with cancer, took place in the presence of Luxembourg's Minister for Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region, Corinne Cahen, and the Minister of Health, Paulette Lenert, as well as Dr Guy Berchem, President of the Luxembourg National Institute of Cancer (Institut National du Cancer - INC) and many families of children and adolescents with cancer.

Participants could once again choose from a 1.5 km, 5 km or 10 km route, along which they could find various musicians, artists and supply stands.

The podiums, which honoured the participants and the teams that had collected the most donations, also saw poignant testimonies. After a moment of homage and hope symbolised by the release of hundreds of soap bubbles and a touching interpretation of the title "Winter bear" by the Luxembourgish duo IRINA, Gaston Ternes, President of Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner, said: "Thanks to you, we are accelerating research with the ultimate goal of curing more children and curing them better. FIGHT KIDS CANCER, our joint initiative with Paris, Brussels and Rome will fund the top five research programmes through our races!" 

The official presentation of a cheque for a record €560,000 brought the event to a close. Anne Goeres, Director of Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner, added: "We will not give up our efforts until every child has a chance of recovery and until there are no more after-effects of the treatments! Only together will we beat cancer".

The sixth edition of LËTZ GO GOLD will take place on Saturday 23 September 2023.